Willing to delete Facebook Account permanently? Do not worry we are here to provide you an easy guideline. Because Facebook is so popular, it has spawned millions of users offering a wide range of functions from personal accounts and business accounts. While that is generally is a great thing to promote your business and get in touch with your loved ones, there comes a time when you no longer wish to use your account.
Sometimes, users desire to keep off the social networking website or need to create a new account. There may be a wide range of reasons. Without wasting much time, scroll down and find steps to get started with Facebook account deletion.
How to Delete
Once you delete your account you will lose access to the messages, photos and your friends will be deleted.
Step 1- To begin you need to sign into your account via any computer or smartphone supported browser. Now navigate to the Settings tab, as shown in the picture below. (You can use the direct account deletion link to instantly delete your account).
Step 2– Now the user should tap on the ‘Manage Account’ button and hit the link that reads ‘Request Account Deletion’.
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